Peningkatan Pemahaman Tentang Kecerdasan Emosional Melalui Layanan Informasi Bimbingan Pribadi Pada Siswa Kelas Xi Ips Sma Kesatrian I Semarang (P-80)

1.1 Latar Belakang
Anugerah Allah SWT yang tak ternilai harganya bagi manusia salah satunya adalah kecerdasan. Manusia dapat mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, membangun peradaban dan keadaban demi kesejahteraan umat manusia dengan kecerdasan akal. Kecerdasan memungkinkan manusia maju dalam bersikap, berbuat, dan berkarya secara dinamis dan konstruktif. Beberapa kecerdasan tersebut antara lain: kecerdasan intelegensi, emosi, spiritual, linguistik, bodi kinestik, dan interpersonal, kecerdasan sosial seperti yang dikemukakan oleh Wahab (Sumber: Republika Online Collected By Perkembangan terakhir dalam seminar Multiple Intelligence di Denpasar diperoleh hasil penelitian Goleman, bahwa keberhasilan seseorang hanya 20% dipengaruhi Intelligence Quotient (IQ), 80% dipengaruhi Emotional Quotient (EQ) dan Spiritual Quotient (SQ).

Common Strategic Competence Employed By Senior High School Debaters (P-79)

1.1 Background of the Study
English debate is nowadays widely known among senior high school students especially in Semarang. This activity has been something popular for its image among both students and English teachers. They think of this activity as something outstanding. This thought may appear due to the fact that not many students of senior high school are able to do so. Only those who are at least capable in producing oral communication in English will be chosen as debater. Referring to this assumption, it is no wonder that the number of English debaters is not of great significance compared with the whole number of students in general.

Minat Mahasiswa Sendratasik Program Studi Seni Musik Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri Semarang Terhadap Musik Kontemporer (P-78)

A. Latar Belakang
Kebudayaan merupakan hasil cipta dan karsa manusia adalah suatu kekayaan yang sampai saat ini masih kita miliki dan patut kita pelihara. Tiap masyarakat mempunyai kebudayaan yang berbeda dengan kebudayaan masyarakat lain. Beragamnya kebudayaan inilah yang menjadi bukti bahwa bangsa kita kaya akan budaya.

Unveiling The Mystery Of Incest As The Mirror Of Soul Depression In “The God Of Small Things” And Its Relevance To The Modern Society (P-77)

1.1 Background of the Study
Exultation can be reached through reading. This kind of activity is believed to be an effective way in avoiding listlessness. Many people love reading for looking for pleasure or just spending spare times. When reading foreign literature, the readers may also get supplementary knowledge about different culture. This activity can also stimulate people to learn English as well as to learn about themselves, people, lifestyle, and other societies.

Teaching Procedure Written Text Of Cooking Recipe Using Sequence Pictures (An Action Research on the Seventh Degree of Junior High School (P-76)

This chapter is divided into six sub sections. They are background of the study, reason for choosing the study, research question, purpose of the expected result of the study, significant of the study, limitation of the problem, and outline of the final project.

Teaching is not an easy job but it is a necessary one and can be very rewarding when we see our students’ progress and know that we have helped to make it happen. It is true that some lessons can be difficult and students feel stressful at times but it is also worth remembering that the best teaching can also be extremely enjoyable.
Based on the concept and function of English as stated in the 2006

Word, Above Word And Grammatical Level Equivalence In The Translation Of Nokia 2300 Manual (P-75)

1.1 Background of the Study
Communication can not be limited only in a certain area or community but people in all over the world need to communicate each others. It is because the needs of life are more complex and various. Not only the needs of food, clothing and housing but nowadays the needs of information, education, science and technology, fashion and many more become very important.

Hubungan Antara Sikap Terhadap Merokok Dengan Kebiasaan Merokok Pada Remaja (Penelitian Pada Siswa Laki-laki di SMA Negeri 1 Jasinga ..(P-74)

Merokok merupakan kegiatan yang masih banyak dilakukan oleh banyak orang, walaupun sering ditulis di surat-surat kabar, majalah dan media masa lain yang menyatakan bahayanya merokok. Bagi pecandunya, mereka dengan bangga menghisap rokok di tempat-tempat umum, kantor, rumah, jalan-jalan, dan sebagainya. Di tempat-tempat yang telah diberi tanda “dilarang merokok” sebagian orang ada yang masih terus merokok. Anak-anak sekolah yang masih berpakaian seragam sekolah juga ada yang melakukan kegiatan merokok.
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