An Analysis Of Children’s Emotion In Privratsky’s Conversations With My Daughter Through The Freudian Psychoanalysis Theory (P-122)


Family, as the child’s first environment sets the patterns for her/his attitudes toward people,  things,  and  life  in  general.  Parents,  in  this  case  have  great responsibility in giving models to their children. Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing Shaunna Privratsky’s short  story,  entitled Conversations with My Daughter,  since  this  short  story reveals  the  influence  of  family  relationship, especially between mother and daughter.

In her analysis, the writer emphasizes on the three problems of the study. They are the daughter’s Id, Ego, and Superego, the emotional characteristics of the daughter and the parental attitudes of the mother. The purposes of the study are  to  find  out  daughter’s  Id, Ego,  and   Superego  according  to  Freudian Psychoanalysis theory, the emotional characteristics of the daughter, and parental attitudes of the mother. The object of the writer’s study is Conversations with My Daughter by Shaunna Privratsky.

The writer used some methods in analyzing the story. In reporting the result of data analysis, the writer used the descriptive analytical interpretation in which she gave the descriptions of the situation had happened, related to the theory of some researcher, then interpreted the condition of the characters. She collected the data in forms of words, phrases, and sentences, then she classified the data and put them into three tables with the different topics each.
The first data showed the daughter’s Id, Ego and Superego. The second data  reflected  the  daughter’s  emotional  characteristics,  and  the  third  data performed the parental attitudes of mother. The writer in this case, used the theory of  Psychoanalysis  of  Freud (Freudian  psychoanalysis  theory)  to  find  out  the daughter’s Id, Ego and Superego, the five basic emotions of Warga to analyze the daughter’s emotion, and a theory from Hurlock to describe the parental attitudes of the mother.

As the result, the writer found three conditions of the daughter showed her Id,  Ego,  and Superego.  The  daughter’s  Id  was  reflected  by  her  demands  of freedom in having a date and dating partner, the daughter’s Ego was performed when she run away from home to marry with Joe. Next, the daughter’s Superego leads her to fix up her relationship with mother. Taken from Warga’s theory, the writer found that the five basic emotions; fear, anger, love, joy and sorrow were applied  in  the  emotional  characteristics  of  the  daughter. Using  a  theory  of Hurlock, in the case of parental attitudes of the mother, the writer only found the three    items          that  showed           the     parental            attitudes                      of          her.    They         were overprotectiveness, permissiveness and acceptance.

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